Thursday, June 10, 2010

You Know You're a Krill If...

1)  You are out of milk, butter, eggs, and bread... and other basic needs for survival, but you can still justify buying a bag of Jolly Time popcorn.

2) You have at least 4 cars on the driveway when no one is home.

3) You have orange-tinted hair.

4)  Hamsters come and go like... well, you know.

5) You have sworn to yourself multiple times that you will never get a credit card.

6) Your facebook wall is full of posts from people whose last name is "Krill"


Amy Lauren said...


Lilly Anne said...


Heidi Rose said...

OH MY GOD Katie!! This is hilarious! I read it with Moma and we both laughed really hard. NICE post!!!