Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm Late, I'm Late, For A Very Important Date

Soooorrrry. I had too much to do last night (legitimate stuff of course, like homework), so I'll be posting for Wednesday today.

Here's some fun facts about music:

The first recorded use of the flute, clarinet, oboe, and trumpet was in ancient Egypt.

Only one person walked with Mozart's coffin from the church to the cemetery where Mozart was buried in an unmarked pauper's grave.

Mendelssohn left the score for his A Midsummer Night's Dream overture in a cab, and was able to rewrite every note from memory.

Yeeaaaahhh, that's all I got. Sorry this post is late, short, and sucks. Next week I'll be on the ball. Happy winter, guys.


Amy Lauren said...

who was it that walked with Mozart's coffin?

it's okay kelly - we forgive you.

Lilly Anne said...

Aw, Kelly, it's okay!

Ancient Egypt, eh? Cool.

Katie Marie said...

LOL. I thought your post was awesome.

Heidi Rose said...

It was good!