Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Facts about sleep you probably didn't know...

1. The record for the longest period without sleep is over 18 days. This person experienced hallucinations, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory lapses.

2. It is almost impossible to tell if someone is really awake without medical supervision. People can have naps with their eyes open and not even know it.

3. Elephants lie down during REM sleep, but sleep standing up during non-REM sleep.

4. What is commonly known as the the “natural alarm clock” which allows people to wake up when they want, is caused by the stress hormone adrenocorticotropin.

5. The tiny rays of light from a digital alarm clock can actually be enough to disrupt your sleep cycle.

6. On average humans sleep about three hours less than other primates.

7. Ducks are able to balance the need for sleep and survival by keeping one half of the brain

awake and other half in sleep mode.

8. Most of what we know about sleep we’ve learned in the past 25 years.

9. It has been suggested that the availability of the internet is one of the major influences of sleep distractions.

10. Studies suggest that women need up to an hour's extra sleep a night compared to men.

11.The average person sleeps for a total of six years in their whole life.

12.Everyone dreams 5 to 6 times a night; we just never remember dreams unless they're vivid enough.

Sweet Dreams ;D


Heidi Rose said...

Awesome post Lilly. ;)
I love learning something new!

Oh- I totally KNEW that automatically waking up was related to stress! That's why when I'm at a friend's house, I always wake up early- because I'm stressed that if I sleep too long, it'll give the wrong impression.

Lilly Anne said...

Haha. Same with me, except I wake up early because I'm paranoid my friend's dog is going to slobber on my face if I don't get up.


Katie Marie said...

Oh man, we waste 6 years sleeping?! That seems like a lot! (But I guess if we didn't sleep then we would go through life in a groggy blur. Hmmm). Good post!

Kelly Renée said...

This is so cool!

Amy Lauren said...